The Guitarist Playlist
I won't release my debut novel, The Guitarist, without thanking the bands and musicians who furnished the playlist making the book...
Album Review: Flux by Sean Ashe
Those of you who have visited this blog know I've been a fan of instrumental hard rock--shred rock or shredding, if you will--since Joe...
The Guitarist, Chapter Two
The week went quickly. I spent my days in recording sessions and Cait’s were spent in legal wrangling. She’d somehow found time to have...
Hemisphere Playthrough, 2014 by Sean Ashe
This is my young guitarist friend, Sean Ashe, about whom I cannot say enough nice things. This song, Hemisphere, is his second release....
Making Progress
Man, have I got a lot to learn! It's comical, I swear. If all an author had to do was write, there would be way more books out there....
Tools of Tone
Okay, here we are. My first blog on my first website. Pretty exciting stuff. That's not to say this is my first blog. I have a couple...